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5 Tips to Store your Precious Jewelleries

 Dressing up isn't complete without donning a classy necklace, a pair of earrings, bracelet or other Designer Silver Jewellery. In any case it's such a convenient way to add instant glam to any kind of look. On the other hand again all that sparkles won't last forever if you do not take care of your jewellery. .Avoid wearing delicate silver jewellery while gymming, swimming, cooking, or any household chores. You ought to also stand back from extreme exposure to heat and lightweight as silver as well as gemstones can fade or discolour.

Separate jewelry by metal

First, do an inventory of your jewelry. Make a couple of piles that separate fine jewelry, costume jewelry, and Silver Earrings Online and other silver jewellery. you ought to keep costume jewelry faraway from silver and fine jewelry, and you ought to keep silver jewelry faraway from fine jewelry. This separation will help in preventing the metals from tarnishing once they get in contact with each other.

Make sure jewelry is clean and dry.

Before you store any jewelry, make sure that it's clean and dry. Moisture causes the metal to degrade or tarnish much quicker. As an example, if you wore a Silver Jewellery Online India during a rainstorm, make certain to dry it off before putting it back.

We recommend removing tarnish from jewelry which will be in storage for more than a week. Storing dirty jewelry for a prolonged period (no matter what sort of jewelry) can cause issues with premature and excessive tarnishing. Also, if you store tarnished jewelry with untarnished jewellery, it can cause both pieces to tarnish much faster.

Most jewelry are often cleaned using the subsequent method:

  • Mix a couple of drops of mild dish detergent and lukewarm water.
  • Saturate the jewellery briefly in the solution.
  • Pat jewelry dry with a lint-free cloth.
  • Remove tarnish with a silver polishing cloth.


Lower humidity levels and maintain a consistent temperature.

High humidity is that the main culprit that accelerates the tarnishing process on jewelry. If you live in a humid climate, you would possibly notice that your jewelry tarnishes faster within the summer months. Consider running an air conditioning or dehumidifier within the room that your jewelry is stored. You’ll also buy silica packets for your jewelry box to soak up excess moisture.

Next, find a spot in your home with a uniform temperature. For instance, don’t put your jewelry rack right above a heat vent. Consider keeping jewelry boxes inside an indoor closet that's consistently dark and funky. You’ll also hang a jewellery rack on the within of a closet door.


Store delicate jewelry during a dark, dry location.

Silver Earrings Online India or silver jewellery does best when it’s stored during a jewelry box lined with felt. The felt helps absorb excess moisture and stop premature tarnishing. For a few large pieces, it'd be best to stay them stored separately inside a felt pouch or wrapped during a silver polishing cloth to limit exposure to the air. During this case, you’ll need to remember what you've got and make a conscious option to wear it. Even with proper storage, silver jewelry would require regular polishing a minimum of twice a year to get rid of tarnish. Don’t over polish silver jewelry because this will also cause damage.

Fine jewelry should be kept during a secure location in order that it’s less vulnerable to burglary. It’s also essential to store fine jewelry faraway from direct sunlight because some stones can become damaged by prolonged exposure to UV light. Not all fine jewelry must be put away. Get within the habit to always put your jewelry away within the same spot in order that it’s less likely to urge lost.


Fine jewelry storage tips:

  • Store fine jewelry during a way that the pieces don't touch one another.
  • Keep pearls inside a wooden box that features a felt lining. You should never store pearls inside a bag or box because plastic can interact with the pearls and cause them to deteriorate.
  • Keep fine jewelry inside a secure or another inconspicuous place.

Store the jewelry you regularly wear in plain sight.

Costume jewelry is usually safe to stay call at the open, so you'll store these pieces on a jewellery display stand. Some experts recommend keeping this jewelry in plain sight, so you don’t forget what you've got , and you’re more inclined to wear it all. It’s unlikely you’ll want to dig through a jewellery box up the morning when you’re preparing for work.

However, if you would like to store costume jewelry for a more extended period, apply the same rules as you would fine jewelry. If possible, keep this jewelry from touching inside the jewellery box and make sure to take care of low humidity and consistent temperature.

If you are looking for Silver Jewerly Online Shopping, visit Moha By Geetanjali.


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